
It's all very exciting picking one of our many hampers for delivery to a loved one. Imagining what it is like when they receive it and sit down to enjoy all the local goodies within is all part of the fun.

What you might not give much thought to, is all the bits and pieces that goes into making the final product.

Firstly, all produce is nestled on a bed of wood wool. What is it? Wood wool is a packaging product made wood slivers cut from off-cut from logs. The wood itself is South Australian. It is of course 100% natural and completely food-safe.

Secondly, for some extra dampening support, our larger boxes have a bottom layer of styrofoam. This is supplied to us from a local distributor, and whilst it is considered to be recyclable, it is tricky with only a handful of locations able to receive it. For us this is the final piece of the puzzle in providing a completely sustainable product. We will be addressing this soon.

All of the above is contained in a cardboard box. No glue. No plastic tape. Recyclable. But, our thoughts swing towards reusability over recyclability, and these boxes are a class act, perfect for storing all sorts of precious things from jewellery to wedding dresses to family photos. Perhaps before putting it into your recycling bin, give it some thoughts as to what else it could be used for.

That cardboard box has a black ribbon wrapped around it. This is another item that has great up-cycling opportunities, including reusing for a Christmas gift.

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