Her/him hampers – and why we don't do them!

Posted by Bruce Tonkin on

A large number of hamper companies (if not all of them) give their customers two options. A "for her" hamper or a "for him" hamper. They typically put bubbles and bath salts in a box for the ladies, or they put beer and jerky in a bucket for the blokes.

We like to think those days are behind us. They're not. Not yet anyway.

As someone who loves doing all the cooking in my household, whilst my wife likes mowing the lawns and firing up the chainsaw, the last thing we want is anyone associating roles with one gender or the other.

Gifts should be no different. I like a nice glass of bubbles whilst she likes an ice cold beer.

For that reason you won't find any gender-specific packaging, products or names at Williams & Taylor. 

Hopefully you know enough about the person you're buying for to not require a traditional her/him label, but if you need help making a selection be sure to ask.

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